World Online

Chapter 250 Problem...

"You have got to be kidding me." Jake\'s mouth was wide open. So was Phoenix\'s. The group of four was utterly flabbergasted as they looked at what was happening.

"How the hell did I not hear this even a little bit. A fight of this caliber had started and I didn\'t even hear a thing?" Jake shook his head.

"Now is not the time to be thinking about that, Shadow King! We need to run! We need to help them out!" Phoenix shouted at him as she ran forward.

Jake froze for a few moments, trying to understand what was happening over here.

In front of his eyes, he could see perhaps three fourth of the army, and they were not sitting idly.

All of them were battling someone else. All of them were facing a second army. One that completely surrounded them.

This was the same army that Jake had seen before, in the ravine. It was a whole army of the monsters that were so irritating to take care of.

"Just for one of them, I had to take a risk and perform a maneuver I didn\'t want to. Now, I have to face thousands of them?" Jake shuddered.

And it wasn\'t even that Jake was afraid of the monsters themselves. If they came after him, one after one, he was so sure he could take care of them with ease.

He was so much stronger than the monsters individually. But together, even ants could come together to defeat a wolf.

Similarly, these monsters weren\'t powerless like the wolves that Jake had faced before. These monsters had some bite in them, and Jake hadn\'t prepared for them to start fighting them so soon.

"I need to warn Myriad Arrows and Kierch. Both of them are not here. They must be somewhere in the forest." Jake quickly thought to himself as he typed out a message.

The moment he sent it, he took a deep breath and twirled his sword.

"Alright. Guess it is time for me to go into battle. Hope this all works for the best. I certainly don\'t want to look bad in front of so many people now, do I?" Jake thought to himself.

He took a deep breath as he took one step forward. The moment he did, his expressions completely disappeared.

The slightly nervous man from before seemed to have disappeared. Replacing that man, was a seasoned veteran who had been through hundreds of battles before, of not thousands in this platform.

And the last month, he wasn\'t exactly idling around either. The one thing he wasn\'t afraid of, was a good fight.

He locked eyes with the walking corpses around him. Every single one of these weird monsters walked around with staggering poses. They were zombies, for all intents and purposes. And these zombies were pretty well coordinated.

They all had swords in their hands, and these swords stroke pretty hard.

There were shouts all around the battle field. These monsters were putting in a lot of damage with every single hit.

"We need to thin the crowd a little. I will let the guild masters do their own thing, but in this battle, I might have go separate." Jake made a note to himself.

As he was saying this, he started picking up the pace. Rushing forward, he came face to face with his first opponent of this battle.

The zombie locked eyes with him, and its mouth curled up into a smile.

"Someone powerful. You will make good achievement." The zombie said as its sword rose up.

The zombie rushed forward. The next moment, it was standing right next to Jake, the sword about to fall on Jake\'s head.

But Jake was no slow poke. He could just as easily move, dodging the sword, and taking a few steps to the right to swing forward.


His sword clashed with the rusty sword of the zombie, and sparks flew.

"This zombie, its different. Faster than the one that I faced, but a little weaker in power. Every single one of these zombies is a different combinations!" Jake suddenly realized.

He shook his head as he looked around. Every single player on his side was matched with an opponent that was different in every single way.

There was no way to generalize this monster. It seemed like they were made up of randomized components.

"Just what is wrong with the devs? Can\'t they just make this game like every other game they made till now?" Jake shook his head.

He quickly moved. So did his opponent.

Both swords moved too quickly for anyone else to follow what was going on. Jake was probably one of the fastest on the field right now, just based on stats.

The legendary class that he had gave him an advantage that no one else possessed. The Tier two upgrade he got gave him more base stats than anyone else.

Now, he had better stats than perhaps anyone here. So, this monster here wasn\'t a big problem for Jake to catch up with.

He could easily follow the patterns that were slowly unraveling in front of him.

Now that he was battling the zombie, he couldn\'t believe how easy it was, trying to understand the zombie\'s monotone fighting routine.

It was like it had barely any thinking capacity, and was repeating the exact same moves again and again.

"I need to tell everyone about this. This could be the difference between victory and defeat. If everyone knows how to deal with them, we will be able to take care of them more efficiently." Jake made a quick note as he moved forward all of a sudden.

His sword shone, and he thrust it forward straight through the zombie\'s head.

"Despairing Strike!"

He called out as the sword slashed forward, completely dismembering the zombie\'s brains.

"Alright. One down. A thousand more to go."



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