Limitless Evolution: The Path To Immortality

Chapter 147 Judgement [3]

As the days passed, the battle between Silas and Grant was becoming closer and closer.

Every day, the inevitable was becoming clearer.

Silas\' training never stopped, but at a certain point at the start of his training, he knew that he no longer needed it.

He couldn\'t use toki, so he couldn\'t learn any of those techniques from the faction. Seraphina could only teach him hand-to-hand combat. Close combat was also one of the things she taught him, but she also quickly realized that her training was becoming obsolete.

Everyone in the Judgement faction saw it.

They knew Silas was powerful... Probably even stronger than Grant. But that wasn\'t why they were shocked.

They were shocked because, despite knowing how powerful Silas was, they all saw that his technique wasn\'t the best.

Sure, it wasn\'t bad, but it wasn\'t the best either. His boxing form also didn\'t go down well with them. Gilea already had its form of boxing that had been created with toki in mind.

It wasn\'t exactly like boxing from earth, but it was similar. However, just like most martial arts on Earth, both Gilea\'s boxing, as well as Silas\', had their fair share of weaknesses, yet many of them weren\'t actually shared weaknesses.

However, that was beside the point. What they were shocked about was the fact that Silas hadn\'t actually taken their style of boxing when fighting in close quarters with Seraphina.

Every time he saw something not working, he would slightly change it to fit what he was doing.

All they could do was watch as Silas grew at a monstrous rate, and it wasn\'t just the faction who saw this happening.

Grant, Archie, Life, Death, Eclipse... They all watched it happen with raised brows and dropped jaws.

Throughout the weeks many had already switched their votes to Silas, but since he technically wasn\'t part of the Judgement faction, it made things a little awkward.

However, after a while of bickering between the faction, the temporary leader of Darkless, Archie, decided to step forward, allowing them to vote for Silas.

When the votes leaned toward Silas, Grant simply challenged him to a duel for the general role. Silas had expected this, but the others felt quite angry about it.

However, just when the people thought that the drama within the faction couldn\'t get higher, something happened.

Walking toward the faction, Silas had his hands in his pockets and walked beside a red-haired boy.

"Man... I\'m so happy you\'re letting me watch this time." Alex jumped for joy.

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever." Silas sighed while rubbing the bridge of his nose.

He had a horrible headache and he had no clue why... However, it seemed to have started the moment Alex opened his mouth and begged him to let him watch his training.

"Shouldn\'t you train with a mage of something?" Silas asked with a slightly annoyed tone.

He didn\'t really like Alex all that much. He would much rather hang out with Nymira. She was much quieter and only spoke when she deemed it necessary.

Plus, Silas saw many similarities between him and her. She was much easier to relate with, and conversations, despite sometimes being dull, were much more fun than any conversation he had with Alex...

They just didn\'t have the same sense of humor.

When Alex and Silas finally reached the faction, they could see people crowding around. They were in an uproar for some reason. Many of them were gearing up, while a small minority tried to calm them down.I think you should take a look at

"What\'s wrong?" Silas raised a brow when he finally came into earshot.

When his voice reached the crowd, they all looked back at him with enraged expressions, yet the rage was not directed at him.

"Grant... That bastard." One of them gritted their teeth, trying their hardest not to fly into a rage.

"What did he do?" Silas asked with a slightly serious tone.

"He killed one of us!" Seraphina roared, causing Silas to raise a brow.

"He did? Who?" Silas tilted his head, yet instead of answering him, they simply parted, allowing Silas to finally see what they were crowded around...

To be specific... Who they were crowded around.

\'Ohhhh Shit. #2! Noooooo!\' Silas inwardly thought with an exaggerated scream.

Of course, he didn\'t really care about the man laying on the floor. However, he had to act like he did. Even if Grant hadn\'t done this, it would still work against him.

Hell, they might not even have to duel if this whole riot thing goes to plan.

"Who\'s that?" Alex asked.

"Number 2. May he rest in peace." Silas whispered while Alex simply raised a brow.

Walking forward, Silas used mystic eyes to analyze the body before him. When he looked it up and down, he raised another brow.

"Poison..." Silas muttered.

"What? No... Of course it wasn\'t poison. That\'s not funny, Game! He had a wound of his head."

"Yeah, but he was poisoned. I don\'t know if it was before or after, but the scarring on the liver tells me that it was most likely ingested. I suggest none of you drink at the bar any time soon." Silas stroked his chin.

"Why would Grant poison him? I thought you said he was stronger than all these people." Alex asked while kneeling down as well.

"Yes, he is... But that\'s not the point." Silas narrowed his eyes while several thoughts went through his mind.

\'If this was Grant\'s doing, he wouldn\'t poison them for no reason... Unless.\' Silas\' finger stabbed into #2\'s body, and when it came out, it was covered in blood.

"What are you doing?" Seraphina asked while taking a step back, yet Silas didn\'t listen to her as he wordlessly licked his finger.

Everyone around him was alarmed to see this, but Silas simply looked forward and waited for the message.

[Pink-Python\'s poison has been detected]


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