Shinka no Mi

Chapter 49

During that one month, I spent my time shopping with Saria and Al, and doing collection requests and easy subjugation requests such as slime subjugation .

Saria and Al were not told of the events within the royal castle . I promised not to after all .

But I told them that, as the prize for winning the Royal Capital Cup, I am getting some help training my skills and magic .

In this regard, for some reason Al had a grim expression, Saria also had a complicated expression . I wonder what’s the matter?

Rurune, who did not return to her donkey form since then, often tries out various food from the street stalls while walking together with me . …Though there is no need to worry about money, Rurune’s appetite is incredible . She can easily eat twice as much as me…

Anyway, though I was passing every day enjoyably, because of certain business today, I have to go out .

That business, is the Kyarasuti Art Competition .

Because Clay and May are both participating in the competition, I have to go take a look .

When I told Saria, Al, and Rurune, the three of them said they would come along, so we are now headed toward the venue together .

“Painting, huh…it’s a world that I don’t quite understand …”

Altria, who clasped her hands behind her head, grumbled .

“Hmm…I might not understand it much either . How about you, Seiichi?”

Saria who responded to the words of Altria, asked me so I answered honestly .

“No, to be honest I don’t understand it well either . Rurune doesn’t understand it either, right?”

“Eh? I do understand it though?”


Because of the unexpected reply, I involuntarily blurted out . Even though she’s a donkey …she can understand art . . ?!

Thereupon, Rurune stuck out her chest and answered .

“Art… basically, is a meal, right?”

“Good, she doesn’t understand . ”

It is a relief that Rurune is the same as usual .

After that, having a trifling talk while walking, we have arrived to the venue of the tournament .

“It’s held here, huh…”

The place where Kyarasuti Art Competition is held, was the town square where I met May for the first time .

Usually there are many street stalls open, but today not even one was open, and instead, a huge stage and a lot of people filled the area .

“Incredible… Although I don’t think all of these people are participants, among them, a good number of them are probably painters . ”

“Hey Seiichi, is it okay to not meet up with that May person?”

Al asked, as I was in a state of surprise at the sheer number of people gathered at the venue .

“It’s okay . Besides, with so many people, it will difficult to locate her right?”


Altria too floats a wry smile towards the crowd of people .

However…there is really a lot people . Probably because of that, there is a lot of incredibly strange people though .

For example, there is a person who have an appearance similar to a clown (pierrot) . With this dense number of people, as one would expect, you can’t really do a performance .

In addition, there are people who put on outfits with indescribable design, people who walk around carrying bizarre sculptures and more; there are many eccentric-looking people that I’ve never seen in town gathered here .

“As expected of artists… Their desire for the limelight isn’t half-baked…”

While I’m inwardly shuddering at the surrounding people, suddenly an announcement, like the one at the royal capital cup, is heard .

“—-We’re very sorry for the wait . Without further ado, the Kyarasuti Art Competition will now begin . ”


After the young man’s announcement, the people at the venue get excited .

“Wow! That’s some amazing enthusiasm!”

“You’re right… I didn’t expect this competition to be the type that would incite this level of excitement…”

I agreed with Saria as she voiced her admiration .

Al and Rurune are similarly baffled by the cheers from the surroundings .

“Well then, now I will introduce the judge of this competition . Serving as the judge of this competition, one who has established numerous methods of drawing and painting, a prodigy in painting—-Leon Berger-sama”

After hearing the voice of an announcement like that, voices of surprise can be heard from the surroundings .

“N-no way?! That [Master Painter] Leon!?”

“Not only did he spread the now popular abstract painting, but he is also the pioneer of perspective and shading technique and so forth…”

“The existence of that person, is said to have made modern painting advance by 100 years, he’s that type of person…”

At the contents whispered in a small voice, I am surprised .

These techniques are par for the course for painters on Earth, but in this world, it’s different, so if someone created techniques that even I know in this world, then that person is quite amazing .

Or rather, I feel like I’ve heard the family name Berger somewhere…

Without being able to recall where I heard it, just like the royal capital cup, in the sky by means of magic projector, one old man is projected .

That old man, who floated a gentle smile, is probably the person named Leon-san . Although he’s aged now, you can tell he was a good-looking guy in the past from his facial features .

Then, Leon-san speaks in a gentle voice .

“I look forward to your best work with all of your passion poured into it . ”


An even greater level of enthusiasm enveloped the venue .

Incredible . This old man, it seems his existence is an aspiration for the painters, to such a degree .

“Leon-sama, thank you very much . Then, I let us move towards the examination immediately . Number 1, if you please . ”

Thus, the Kyarasuti Art Competition began without any problems .

However, the thing that’s a bit disappointing is that since there is too much people, it is impossible to get closer to the stage, hence it’s difficult to really appreciate the work, there is no other choice but to review it by the image projected on the sky .

As for this, there is no conclusion to come to but that it can’t be helped .

As we were watching the projection in the sky, a bunch of different artworks were shown . Among them, there were some drawings of landscapes that were so realistic they could be mistaken for the real thing, as well as some that were hard to understand like Clay’s; there was quite a variety .

And so, Leon san politely evaluated each and every one of them, and talked about both what was good and what was bad about it .

Since it wasn’t just the bad parts that were being pointed out, but also the good parts as well, each participant that was being evaluated seemed very moved .

“――Well then, it’s come down to the last two people . Then, next person, if you please . ”

And so, after that was announced, The one who appeared on stage, with a dignified manner of walking, was Clay .

…Ahh, I see! I was wondering where I had heard that family name, it’s the same same as Clay’s!

Realizing it a bit too late, I was in a state of surprise, and I overheard some voices coming from my surroundings .

“He is the [Master Painter]’s grandson…”

“I suppose that confidence he’s showing is to be expected then . ”

“Hmm… What kind of piece is he going to show . . ?”

Everyone put their attention to Clay’s work .

I don’t really understand Clay’s art, but that probably can’t be said about the surrounding artists .

As I was thinking that, I watch Clay, who’s projected onto the sky .

Then, what appeared was a work that was twice the size of Clay’s height in length and width, covered in a cloth .

“I-isn’t that a bit big? The other paintings were much smaller right?”

Asked Al next to me, in response to the hugeness .

…I’ve only known him for a short time, but I’ve come to know that Clay carries a large amount of confidence, so for me, it wasn’t really a surprise .

“Clay Berger-san, please give us the name of your work . ”

Prompted by the announcement, Clay confidently revealed the name of his work and tore off the cloth that was covering it .

“The name of my painting, is, [Art]!”

Underneath the cloth was a completely red sun drawn over a pure white canvas .

Yes, it was a [Sun] .

“A-a drawing from that Clay is…actually decent?!”

“… I wonder why . Right now, I feel like I’m being made fun of…”

Giving slight notice to the projected Clay, who had complicated expression as he murmured that, I was truly surprised .

I mean, this was a guy says that a triangle was [During a sunset, watching the setting sun as the maiden thinks about him] you know?

But right now, projected in front of me is an enormous sun, burning up in pure red .

“Seiichi . Your friends actually draws some amazing paintings . ”

“Yeah yeah! It’s a wonderful sun!”

Al and Saria were also surprised at Clay’s art .

“Hmmmmm…to me it just looks like an apple…”

Rurune-san . That’s just you .

But still, a sun drawn onto a pure white canvas… It’s almost like the flag of Japan .

Even though I end up thinking that, there’s probably no one here who would understand that .

“Clay-san . Now, please introduce your work . ”

“Very well! For starters, included in this piece is my ideal in regards to art! The hot burning ideal… It’s like the flames of a matchstick right?”

That’s a seriously small scale ideal . . !

Wait, you’re saying that’s not a sun?! At that size, it’s just a matchstick flame?! Even though looking at it, it’s a sun?! Even though you even carefully drew out the sun flares!

“With that said, my painting is different from everyone else’s in that there isn’t a single useless part drawn into it . This pure white canvas is my body, and this match flame in the middle is my passion for art . ”

“I-I see… In my eyes, I see a sun though…”

“It’s a match’s flame! I would like for you to not make that mistake . ”


Clay . You are you, the same as always, huh…

Even though I thought it was a legit painting, I was in a sense relieved in the end that Clay had not changed a single bit .

And so, now, Leon san will start judging .

Leon san hadn’t spoken in a while, and so he slowly opened his mouth to speak .

“――I too, see it as the flame of a matchstick . ”

You too?!

In response to Leon san’s words, I retorted in my mind .

Up until now you’ve given some legit evaluations, but now you don’t have to show that you have the same blood as Clay right?!

I had an expression of amazement and once again I hear the voices of the surrounding people

“…It’s esoteric . ”

“Yeah… It’s esoteric . ”

“As expected of the [Master Painter]’s grandson…”

“To be able to say that that is a match flame…”

Why are you trembling?!

Am I the odd one since I’m just a normal person? Artists are scary .

While I was getting frightened by artists by myself, Leon spoke up with a gentle voice .

“Clay… You have been, since long ago, a kid who draws very honestly . Certainly, there have only been works that have been hard to understand by the people around you, but even so, your drawings have always had one of your ideals mixed into it . This time as well, even though it looks like a sun, you don’t say it is, and call it the flame of a matchstick . That is because you wanted to express that instant, where it will end up burning out soon, right?”

“As expected of grandfather… My life is not as big as the sun . But in my small life, my ideal burns violently enough that it would be mistaken for the sun… That is my art . ”

That’s deep . . !

That’s really deep, Leon-san!

No, it’s Clay, who drew the piece that’s amazing, huh .

From listening to Leon-san’s explanation, I somehow felt like I understood what Clay was trying to express .

…As expected, it’s a field an ordinary person like me wouldn’t be able to comprehend .

So then, does that mean the triangle painting, that I don’t even understand if it’s okay to call so, is actually a drawing of [During a sunset, watching the setting sun, a maiden thinking of him]? Crap, I don’t get it at all .

“Fufu, Clay… Your passion has been well conveyed . That’s why you should put in some effort so that you can convey that ideal to not just me, but to much more people . That is your task . ”

And with that, the evaluation of Clay’s work ended .

And that means, the next person will be the last one ——— .

“… Well then, at last, it’s time for the final entry . May Cherry-san, if you please . ”

――It’s May’s turn .

After the announcement, though nervous looking, May appears on stage . …May, your hands and legs are coming out at the same time… (TL note: I’m guessing it’s like when your right arm and your right leg move at the same time when normally, it’s supposed to be alternating)

Following May was a work that was the same size as Clay’s, shown covered by a cloth .

Looking at May frozen stiff from nervousness, Al, beside me, spoke up with worry .

“H-hey… Is she alright? That girl . She’s making me nervous just by looking at her . ”

“Ahh…yeah, you’re right . But it’s not like we can do anything about it…”

Yeah, we can’t do anything about it .

That’s exactly why, May has to get through this herself or it’s no good .

I watch May, supporting her in spirit .

“Well then, May-san . Please introduce the name of your work . ”

She’s really nervous huh .

Having the announcement call out to her, May’s dog tail stood on its end and she stiffened even more .

But, May managed to ease that stiffness by her own power . She slowly took a deep breath, and calmed down her emotions .


“Thi-this is…my piece!”

The moment May tore off the cloth, there stood―― .

In the same pose as the hero Napoleon’s portrait of the famous Bonaparte franchissant le Grand-Saint-Bernard by Jacques-Louis David, was me drawn straddled on Rurune in donkey form .

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