Almighty Summoner System

Chapter 28 - The New Eva!

Bits of cracks started to surface on the Beast Core\'s smooth and jade-like appearance.

The Beast Core that was previously pitch-black had also now somewhat become grayish.

Sweat and perspiration soaked Ban\'s back as he wondered on which step did he go wrong. \'I even cheered a lot!\'

However, just as he was about to ask the Almighty Summoner System about what has happened, the latter suddenly interrupted him with a row of words.

[Your Contracted Beast, \'Eva\' has successfully absorbed the essence on a Lord Level Beast Core!

Host, do you want to initiate the evolution now?


Note: The evolution time may vary depending on the Contracted Beast. Host, I suggest not going anywhere while the evolution is taking place. During their evolution, Contracted Beast is very vulnerable and could be easily killed.


Ban swiped the sweat that had unknowingly rolled down his cheeks due to nervousness. As he read the new row of words that surfaced, he could not help but feel relief washing over his body. \'I thought it was already the end of the world!\'

However, when he read the latter part, another nervous feeling rush again inside of him

This time, Ban did not want to get affected that much. He released a mouthful of air and also inhaled a mouthful in return. This somewhat calmed his nerves a bit.

\'Alright, as long as I\'m inside this room, and we are inside the Kuys Bar, I know that nothing bad will happen.\' Ban thought, trying to reassure himself.

Without further delay, he finally said inside his head, \'System, I chose, \'Yes\'. Initiate Little Eva\'s evolution now.\'


Seeing the Almighty Summoner System\'s reply, Ban could not but feel nervous again. However, this time, there was a hint of excitement mixed with that nervous feeling.

He stared intently at Eva who was already glowing with a red light.

The glow formed into an egg shape as it fully enclosed Eva, leaving Ban with nothing to see other than the reddish egg shape glow that surrounded his first Contracted Beast.

A few hours passed by with Ban only staring at the Evolution Light. Compared to before, the egg-shaped glow now somewhat became bigger and fatter.

It was already in the middle of the night and Ban\'s eyes were already on the verge of dropping to the ground, as it wanted to sleep already.

If Mario and Kuys see him like this, they would surely give him a \'gentle\' pat on the head. After all, they allowed him to rest early, and yet here he is, trying to hold back his drowsiness.

After a while, Ban\'s eyes could no longer endure it as they finally decided to close for the night.

However, a cracking sound suddenly reached Ban\'s ears causing it to twitch. The next second, his eyes opened energetically as they stared at the reddish egg-shaped glow that now has cracks surrounding its surface.

His drowsiness was swept away like a river as he waited for the egg-shaped glow to fully crack.

The next moment, the egg-shaped glow did not disappoint Ban as it finally released a final burst of cracking sound.


A loud crack was then heard as the egg-shaped glow finally burst apart like a bubble.

Fragments upon fragments of that reddish glow were scattered in the surroundings before evaporating into thin air.

However, Ban was not in the right mood to cherish the light show at the moment as he waited for his door to be busted open by either Kuys or Mario.

After all, the final cracking sound was so loud that Ban even guessed that it also reached the third building next to them.

He was already trying to figure out what to reason when one of them suddenly barges in. Worst comes to worst, he thought that he could just straightly admit it to them that his \'monster\' had evolved.

However, he knew that it would be quite suspicious as he just literally became a Summoner on the day, and yet somehow, his \'Monster\' was already trying to evolve when night came.

Ban even thought that Kuys and Mario might suspect him of engaging with the Dark Guild, in exchange for that evil method.

However, the words that the virtual screen presented next washed away his worries right away.

[Host, due to the evolution process, the entirety of this room was enclosed in a barrier to prevent sound from escaping such as the sound that you just heard before!


"Jeez… why didn\'t you tell me earlier? I really feel like my heart would go out of my mouth during that time! Phew!" Ban heaves a sigh of relief after reading the System\'s clarification.

Of course, he was dissatisfied by the fact that he was only informed now instead of informing him earlier. Of course, he could only grumble in silence as he did not dare to let it out, lest the System leaves him behind without warning.

After he calmed himself, Ban finally turned his attention to evolve Little Eva.

And the disparity between the Eva from the past and the Eva from now was like the disparity from heaven and earth.

Standing with two legs like a human, slim and glossy pink body. Her abdomen could barely be seen protruding on her back as her four arms were crossed in front of her thorax in an elegant manner.

The shape of her face had also changed, it became slim and refined and it now somehow resembled a human\'s face. If not for the mandible and the huge eyes that are present on her head, one would really mistake Little Eva\'s face as a human\'s face.

Her two antennae were curled towards her back as they kept on vibrating very silently.

Two pairs of transparent and thin wings could be seen flapping gently on her back. The crystal-like appearance of such wings somehow made Ban feel dizzy due to its dazzling beauty.

The crown on her head had also become more apparent, its color became even more vibrant, as if portraying the whole aura of the Demon Ant Crown Princess.

Ban then uttered \'Show my Beast Status!\'

[Contracted Beast:

Name: Eva

Race: Demon Ant(Variant)(Crown Princess)

Title: First Mate(Sky)

Rank: X-Mortal


Normal: (Inactive)

Combat Form (Active)




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